

I whisper to the silent winds

Strong but hushed

As if stretching ears

To listen to my tales.


I apprise them of my agonies

The trees stand still

I wonder if they are gesturing

Me to go on.


I stand in oblivion

Awed by their equanimity

Are they suffering too

Or just forbearing.


And just as I’m about to depart

Leaving all my secrets within

The winds turn fierce

Begging me to stay.


Sometime soon

I have to retire

And as I peek out the window

The evergreens grow still.


It only pours harder

As I sit on the street
Unable to move
Unable to contemplate
The magnificence
Of this cosmos
Every drop that drips
Seems a beautiful awakening
This world has to offer
The howling wind
Sways my conscience
My hair flutters,
The imminent storm
Rattles the roots of the flailing
Yet they stand tall
There is beauty,
In the grain that blows
Out of the umber
It holds the sunset
In a distinct parallel
And I, only a mortal
Puny and simple
Sit, dazzled.


Wherefore art thou?

Whence I wish to see
Galaxies of countless stars
Oceans deeper than your heart
Chains of endless mountains
The sun hidden behind a murky mist
The glance of lurking creatures
Floating snowflakes in the middle of the woods
Let me see this in thy eyes
And feel in thy arms
All the beautiful things in this world
O tell me, lamen
What seas do I cross
To see thy eyes again,
For them I live,
For them I die.


At least once in your life,

You fall in love
With the pretty lavender
In the sky,
Where the crescent shines,
So bright,
The sun nowhere to be seen,
Yet a rosy tinge in the horizon
Dusk is a pretty word,
And even prettier a sight
For when the tired humans walk home,
The birds retire to their own,
The serenity is at its peak,
The sky a clear dark midnight blue,
The pink fades,
The chatter drops,
And smiles light up the faces.


Like buds yet to grow,

We were little and whiney.
With problems of our own,
For us huge, yet tiny.
Every step we took,
You were there
Every tear that fell
You wiped it away.
You bore every tantrum
Every drama that we had
And thank you,
For if you hadn’t,
We would not be what we are.


On a dew night

When I walk through the slightly
Moistened grass
I see you standing among
The flowers, and such
A heavenly sight,
The petals bloom when
You carass them,
And the dead grass turns green
Your eyes, full of love
Turn solemn as you turn to the
Lifeless butterfly
And when your hands,
Pick the poor creature,
Ever so slightly
It spurs to life
And flies towards the infinite
Your joy echoes throughout
Your body gleams
And the silent trees
Burst with chitterings.


Everytime it pours
And I see the greenest of grass
The darkest of skies,
The fiercest of winds,
I see you.
It is simple to me,
How in this world full
Of people
I blink, and when the blur
I see you.
When I jump to drown
And open my eyes,
I see yours mirroring mine.
I try to sink
You touch my hands,
The whole sea comes alive
Yet I see you.
I fall from a cosmic height
And out of instinct
When I shake with fear
I feel a hand carassing my
Saying it’ll be okay.
In my deepest sleeps,
When I dream of horrors
Unimaginable and unspeakable
All it takes is one glance
One whisper
From you,
And I,
Am alright.


I blink,

To a faded evocation,
I feel trapped,
As if in a trance
The white blinds me,
As the blur clears
I see waves, as calm as you
Slowly, seeping further
Onto your feet,
That stand so firmly,
Sunk into the wet sand,
Ever so slightly,
You turn around, your smile
Pastel, like the sunset,
Only softer,
That perfect laugh,
Blends so well with the
Twittering of faraway nestlings
And the melodies of the dusk
Your silhouette,
As divine,
As the colors of the locus
And even more
Your hands,
Warm and my only realm
Stretch towards me,
So near, yet
So far
In an instant,
The light hits your face,
A heavenly site
A gleaming shape
Your lips recite my name,
But I do not hear,
Your fingertips clasp with mine
But only for the littlest of seconds
Before the dark consumes me,
Into the bitter truth
I still see your visage,
Still hear your laugh,
As the waves crash on the shore.




Perched at the ridge
I wistfully recall
The days of mirth
Which elapsed
Like silent streams.

The lavish times
That uttered blissfully
Of pulchritude and warmth
Stand hushed as
The wronged stones.

The jolt that promptly
Led to crippled souls
And haunting ephialtis’
arose triumphant.

And the trauma,
as poignant as ever.
leered squarely through
My flesh.